World History/WWII

The German Army and Genocide
Crimes Against War Prisoners, Jews, and Other Civilians, 1939–1944

Hamburg Institute for Social Research

Industry and Empire
The Birth of the Industrial Revolution

Eric Hobsbawm

Uncommon People
Resistance, Rebellion, and Jazz

Eric Hobsbawm

The French and Their Revolution
Selected Writings

Richard Cobb, David Gilmour

The Romantics
England in a Revolutionary Age

E.P. Thompson

Universities and Empire
Money and Politics in the Social Sciences During the Cold War

Christopher Simpson

Rebellion in Chiapas
An Historical Reader

John Womack Jr.

Bay of Pigs Declassified
The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba

Peter Kornbluh

On History

Eric Hobsbawm

French Constructions of the Past, Postwar French Thought, Volume 1

Jacques Revel, Lynn Hunt

Looking Left
Socialism in Europe After the Cold War

Donald Sassoon

The Cold War and the University
Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years

Noam Chomsky, Ira Katznelson, R.C. Lewontin, David Montgomery, Laura Nader, Richard Ohmann, Ray Siever, Immanuel Wallerstein, Howard Zinn

Intimacy and Terror
Soviet Diaries of the 1930s

Véronique Garros, Natalia Korenevskaya, Thomas Lahusen

The Skull Measurer’s Mistake
And Other Portraits of Men and Women Who Spoke Out Against Racism

Sven Lindqvist

Century of War
Politics, Conflict, and Society Since 1914

Gabriel Kolko

Civil Wars
From L.A. to Bosnia

Hans Magnus Enzensberger
