Middle East

Escape from Kabul
The Afghan Women Judges Who Fled the Taliban and Those They Left Behind

Karen Bartlett

When We Were Arabs
A Jewish Family’s Forgotten History

Massoud Hayoun

War Made Invisible
How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine

Norman Solomon

The Withdrawal
Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S. Power

Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad

Except for Palestine
The Limits of Progressive Politics

Marc Lamont Hill, Mitchell Plitnick

Going Home
A Walk Through Fifty Years of Occupation

Raja Shehadeh

Where the Line Is Drawn
A Tale of Crossings, Friendships, and Fifty Years of Occupation in Israel-Palestine

Raja Shehadeh

The New Threat
The Past, Present, and Future of Islamic Militancy

Jason Burke

The Egyptians
A Radical History of Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

Jack Shenker

A History of the Last Hundred Years

John McHugo

Three Kings
The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II

Lloyd C. Gardner

Kill Khalid
The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas

Paul McGeough

Al' America
Travels Through America’s Arab and Islamic Roots

Jonathan Curiel

A People Interrupted

Hamid Dabashi

Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam
Or, How Not to Learn from the Past

Lloyd C. Gardner, Marilyn B. Young

Literature from the “Axis of Evil”
Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Other Enemy Nations

Words Without Borders
