Next Season

Red Pill Politics
Demystifying Today’s Far Right

David Ost

Shelter from the Storm
How Climate Change Is Creating a New Era of Migration

Julian Hattem

As Public as Possible
Radical Finance for America’s Public Schools

David I. Backer

Organizing America
Stories of Americans Who Fought for Justice

Erik Loomis

How Power, Politics, and Privilege Use Science Against the World’s Most Vulnerable

Muhammad H. Zaman

Escape from Kabul
The Afghan Women Judges Who Fled the Taliban and Those They Left Behind

Karen Bartlett

In Their Names
The Untold Story of Victims’ Rights, Mass Incarceration, and the Future of Public Safety

Lenore Anderson

The Great White Hoax
Frauds, Forgeries, and 200 Years of Selling Racism in America

Philip Kadish

Liberation Stories
Building Narrative Power for 21st-Century Social Movements

Shanelle Matthews, Marzena Zukowska, RadComms

Art on My Mind
Visual Politics

bell hooks

If We Don’t Get It
A People’s History of Ferguson

Stefan M. Bradley

Ghost in the Criminal Justice Machine
Reform, White Supremacy, and an Abolitionist Future

Emile Suotonye DeWeaver

Backroom Deals in Our Backyards
How Government Secrecy Harms Our Communities and the Local Heroes Fighting Back

Miranda S. Spivack

Demolition Agenda
The Dismantling of American Government . . . And How We Can Stop It

Thomas O. McGarity

Surviving Our Catastrophes
Resilience and Renewal from Hiroshima to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Robert Jay Lifton
