Current Season

Labor’s Partisans
Essential Writings on the Union Movement from the 1950s to Today

Nelson Lichtenstein, Samir Sonti

Another World Is Possible
Lessons for America from Around the Globe

Natasha Hakimi Zapata

Usual Cruelty
The Complicity of Lawyers in the Criminal Injustice System

Alec Karakatsanis

A Novel

Mikołaj Grynberg

Policing White Supremacy
The Enemy Within

Mike German, Beth Zasloff

The Sustainability Class
How to Take Back Our Future from Lifestyle Environmentalists

Vijay Kolinjivadi, Aaron Vansintjan

Pay the People!
Why Fair Pay Is Good for Business and Great for America

John Driscoll, Morris Pearl, The Patriotic Millionaires

The Price They Paid
Slavery, Shipwrecks, and Reparations Before the Civil War

Jeff Forret

From the Ground Up
The Women Revolutionizing Regenerative Agriculture

Stephanie Anderson

Freedom to Love

Sandra Chen Weinstein

Division Street

Studs Terkel

Disrupted City
Walking the Pathways of Memory and History in Lahore

Manan Ahmed Asif

Charging Forward
Lithium Valley, Electric Vehicles, and a Just Future

Chris Benner, Manuel Pastor

Slaves for Peanuts
A Story of Conquest, Liberation, and a Crop That Changed History

Jori Lewis

The Power of Basketball
NBA Players, Coaches, and Team Governors on the Fight to Make a Better America

National Basketball Social Justice Coalition, James Cadogan, Ed Chung

A Second Chance
A Federal Judge Decides Who Deserves It

Judge Frederic Block
