All Events
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North with the Zinn Education ProjectMarch 24, 2025,VIRTUAL EVENTJoin the Zinn Education Project for a virtual conversation with Jeanne Theoharis about her new book, King of the North: Martin Luther King Jr . . . |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at Red Emma’sMarch 26, 2025,Baltimore MD |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at Politics and ProseMarch 27, 2025,Washington DCJoin Politics and Prose at Union Market for a conversation with award-winning author Jeanne Theoharis about her myth-shattering new book, King . . . |
Elie Mystal on Bad Law at the Center for Brooklyn HistoryMarch 27, 2025,Brooklyn NYJoin the Brooklyn Public Library's Center for Brooklyn History for a discussion about Bad Law and ten incredibly bad pieces of . . . |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at the Harvard Book StoreMarch 28, 2025,Cambridge MA |
Elie Mystal on Bad Law at the Harvard Book StoreMarch 31, 2025,Cambridge MAJoin the Harvard Book Store for a discussion about Bad Law and ten incredibly bad pieces of legislation that are ruining America with . . . |
Judge Frederic Block on A Second Chance at Brooklyn Law SchoolApril 1, 2025,Brooklyn NY 11201 |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at The Schomburg Center for Research in Black CultureApril 3, 2025,New York City NY |
Elie Mystal on Bad Law at Politics and ProseApril 3, 2025,Washington DCJoin Politics and Prose for a discussion about Bad Law and ten incredibly bad pieces of legislation that are ruining America with . . . |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at The Riverside ChurchApril 4, 2025,New York NY |
Jeanne Theoharis on King of the North at The Milwaukee Public LibraryApril 7, 2025,Milwaukee WI |
Alec Karakatsanis on Copaganda at Red Emma’sApril 12, 2025,Baltimore MDJoin Red Emma's for a discussion about Copaganda and the ways the police and the media manipulate and distract us from what really . . . |