Current Affairs

False Dawn
The Delusions of Global Capitalism

John Gray

No Equal Justice
Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System

David Cole

The End of Privacy
How Total Surveillance Is Becoming a Reality

Reg Whitaker

Universal Health Care
What the United States Can Learn from the Canadian Experience

Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong

Forbidden Workers
Illegal Chinese Immigrants and American Labor

Peter Kwong

Conglomerates and the Media

Patricia Aufderheide, Erik Barnouw, Richard M. Cohen, Thomas Frank, David Lieberman, Mark Crispin Miller, Gene Roberts, Thomas Shatz

The Sneaker Book
Anatomy of an Industry and an Icon

Tom Vanderbilt

Room Service
Reports from Eastern Europe

Richard Swartz

Paradise Lost
California’s Experience, America’s Future

Peter Schrag

Burger Culture on Trial

John Vidal

Sensible Justice
Alternatives to Prison

David C. Anderson

We the Media
A Citizens’ Guide to Fighting for Media Democracy

Don Hazen, Julie Winokur

“A Totally Alien Life-Form”

Sydney Lewis

Who’s Afraid of Feminism?
Seeing through the Backlash

Ann Oakley, Juliet Mitchell

Edge of the Knife
Police Violence in the Americas

Paul Chevigny

The Mexican Shock
Its Meaning for the United States

Jorge G. Castañeda
