
Wrestling with the Devil
A Prison Memoir

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

Brown Is the New White
How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority

Steve Phillips

Strangers in Their Own Land
Anger and Mourning on the American Right

Arlie Russell Hochschild

A Mouth Is Always Muzzled
Six Dissidents, Five Continents, and the Art of Resistance

Natalie Hopkinson

Reclaiming Gotham
Bill de Blasio and the Movement to End America’s Tale of Two Cities

Juan González

Right Out of California
The 1930s and the Big Business Roots of Modern Conservatism

Kathryn S. Olmsted

The Least Among Us
Waging the Battle for the Vulnerable

Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro

Wolf Whistle Politics
The New Misogyny in America Today

Diane Wachtell

Rules for Resistance
Advice from Around the Globe for the Age of Trump

David Cole, Melanie Wachtell Stinnett

The Drone Memos
Targeted Killing, Secrecy, and the Law

Jameel Jaffer

Under the Bus
How Working Women Are Being Run Over

Caroline Fredrickson

Down for the Count
Dirty Elections and the Rotten History of Democracy in America

Andrew Gumbel

Blue in a Red State
A Survival Guide to Life in the Real America

Justin Krebs

Landscapes of Communism
A History Through Buildings

Owen Hatherley

The Age of Aspiration
Power, Wealth, and Conflict in Globalizing India

Dilip Hiro
