
Possessing the Secret of Joy
A Novel

Alice Walker

Shadows of a Childhood
A Novel

Elisabeth Gille

The North China Lover

Marguerite Duras

The War
A Memoir

Marguerite Duras

Playing in the Light
A Novel

Zoë Wicomb

Coming of Age in America
A Multicultural Anthology

Mary Frosch

Literature from the “Axis of Evil”
Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Other Enemy Nations

Words Without Borders

Coming of Age Around the World
A Multicultural Anthology

Faith Adiele, Mary Frosch

The Studs Terkel Reader
My American Century

Studs Terkel

Coming of Age
Growing Up in the Twentieth Century

Studs Terkel

A Novel

Henning Mankell

Should We Burn Babar?
Essays on Children’s Literature and the Power of Stories

Herbert Kohl

The Man Who Smiled
A Kurt Wallander Mystery

Henning Mankell

Chronicler of the Winds
A Novel

Henning Mankell

The Last Friend
A Novel

Tahar Ben Jelloun

Brecht’s Mistress
A Novel

Jacques-Pierre Amette
