Read an Excerpt from Blackbirds Singing: Audre Lorde on Race, Sex, and Class
emilyThursday, February 8, 2024

In Blackbirds Singing, renowned author Janet Dewart Bell has curated an incredible collection highlighting influential Black women who fought and continue to fight for liberation. Featuring the inspirational vision of women across the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, Bell celebrates accomplished poets, activists, leaders, and more.
There are timeless lessons to be found in these public addresses across decades. Importantly, Blackbirds Singing also serves as an acknowledgement of the past and ongoing work of Black women in calling for freedom and justice. This excerpt specifically features the powerful words of one such woman, Audre Lorde, who lived from 1991-1992. As a self-described “Black, lesbian, mother, warrior,’ and “poet,” as well as the recipient of numerous awards and accolades, Lorde has long-since been revered as an influential figure. As seen in this chapter entitled “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference,” Lorde’s distinctive voice sets her apart and there is much to be gained by drawing on her lived knowledge and perspective.
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