Jews for Buchanan

Did You Hear the One About the Theft of the American Presidency?

A stinging, laugh-inducing look at how George W. Bush stole the 2000 presidential election, in words and pictures

A recent ABC News poll revealed that 35 percent of Americans—or close to 100 million people—believe that President George W. Bush was not legitimately elected.

In a wonderfully irreverent grab bag of facts, rumor, idle speculation, and unmitigated rage, Jews for Buchanan revisits the major events and decisions of the 2000 presidential race, and with a jaundiced if twinkling eye, outlines the overwhelming litany of mistakes, conflicts of interest, inappropriate behavior, and political abuse that were on display during this sorry episode in American political history.

Drawing on a variety of sources, from the Annenburg Center’s comprehensive collection of election-related documents to little-known websites, Jews for Buchanan covers the whole range of issues that don’t pass the smell test: the intimidation of black voters; the disproportionate number of older Jewish residents of Florida who recorded votes for Patrick Buchanan; information about Katherine Harris’s connections with the Bush campaign; arguments for the recusal of specific Supreme Court justices; communication between Jeb Bush’s office and the Bush campaign; and the role of Republican aides in disrupting the recount—all adding up to a powerful case that George W. Bush is merely a pretender.

Combining quips and quotes with the best editorial cartoons and commentary from the election, Jews for Buchanan will be the ultimate memento of the 2000 election for millions of Americans.

Books by John Nichols

The Genius of Impeachment
The Founders’ Cure for Royalism

John Nichols

Tragedy and Farce
How the American Media Sell Wars, Spin Elections, and Destroy Democracy

John Nichols, Robert W. McChesney

The Rise and Rise of Richard B. Cheney
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Most Powerful Vice President in American History

John Nichols

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