All Books

Edges of the Rainbow

Michel Delsol, Haruku Shinozaki

Making It
Why Manufacturing Still Matters

Louis Uchitelle

We Too Sing America
South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future

Deepa Iyer

Lessons in Freedom from Young Children at School

Carla Shalaby

Rethinking What We Say About—and to—Students Every Day

Mica Pollock

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People by the Numbers

David Deschamps, Bennett Singer

The Egyptians
A Radical History of Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

Jack Shenker

Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence

Farhad Khosrokhavar

Mass Incarceration on Trial
A Remarkable Court Decision and the Future of Prisons in America

Jonathan Simon

Communities of Belonging

Sunil Gupta, Charan Singh

Before I Do
A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay and Otherwise

Elizabeth F. Schwartz

Under the Bus
How Working Women Are Being Run Over

Caroline Fredrickson

Cast Away
True Stories of Survival from Europe’s Refugee Crisis

Charlotte McDonald-Gibson

Black Power 50

Sylviane A. Diouf, Komozi Woodard

How the World Breaks
Life in Catastrophe’s Path, from the Caribbean to Siberia

Stan Cox, Paul Cox

A People’s History of the American Revolution
How Common People Shaped the Fight for Independence

Ray Raphael
