Hubert Mingarelli

Hubert Mingarelli is the author of numerous novels and short story collections, as well as fiction for young adults. His novel A Meal in Winter(The New Press) was shortlisted for the 2014 Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and was selected by Indies Introduce in the United States. He lives in Grenoble.

News and Reviews

Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly praises A Meal in Winter as a "brief, haunting novel" that comes to "an understated yet stunning conclusion" in their STARRED review

Kirkus Reviews

Kirkus calls A Meal in Winter "a novel that will long resonate in the reader's conscience" in their STARRED review


Books by Hubert Mingarelli

Four Soldiers
A Novel

Hubert Mingarelli

A Meal in Winter
A Novel of World War II

Hubert Mingarelli