The New Press Remembers Marilyn Young

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

MARILYN YOUNG (1937–2017)

The New Press mourns the passing of Marilyn Young, historian, activist, adviser, and friend. She was an uncompromising scholar and the friend to many good causes. Marilyn enriched the lives of all around her and we are proud to have published three important collections that she edited: Bombing Civilians (with Yuki Tanaka), The New American Empire (with Lloyd Gardner), and Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam (with Lloyd Gardner). Through her legendary listserv she sought to share important articles of the day with others, often adding the gentle admonition, "Do read" occasionally editorializing with "pure pleasure" or, about a petition that was circulating, a "worth signing." Always eager to deepen her own understanding, shortly before she died she sent the following:

"Today's Times has a story on Yemen, a country the Saudis, with US help, have been bombing to extermination. Deliberate attacks on schools and hospitals. And so on. If anyone has something in their files that goes way back to the start of Saudi/US attacks on Yemen, I'd appreciate taking a look... mby"

She—and her incomparable listserv—will be greatly missed.

Read the obituary in Democracy Now!

Read the obituary in The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

Read the obituary in

Read the obituary in Jacobin

Read the obituary in The New York Times