Monique W. Morris at the August Wilson Center for African American Culture
March 9, 2016
- 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
August Wilson Center for African American Culture
980 Liberty Avenue,
Pittsburgh PA

Author Monique Morris will discuss her new book Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools in partnership with A+ Schools and the Education Law Center.

This conversation, “Restoring the Promise to Black Girls,” will focus on Dr. Morris’ new book, and the challenges Black girls face in public schools – from inappropriate pushout policies and practices, to barriers to academic achievement.

You may RSVP to Education Law Center by emailing or by calling 412.258.2120 x351 and leaving a message with your name, email address, and indication that you plan to attend this event. This event is free – please RSVP by March 7, 2016.