Love Unites Us Book Launch Party
June 6, 2016
- 6:00 p.m.
LGBT Community Center
208 W 13th Street,
New York NY

Join the authors and activists of Love Unites Us: Winning the Freedom to Marry in America, a book of firsthand accounts from the attorneys and advocates who brought the historic cases and fought to secure the freedom to marry for same-sex couples, as we celebrate the launch of the book and the one year anniversary of marriage equality.

With remarks from: Kevin Cathcart and Leslie Gabel-Brett; Mary Bonauto; James Esseks; Hayley Gorenberg; Dru Levasseur; Gautam Raghavan; Marc Solomon; Susan Sommer; Jeffrey Trachtman; Janson Wu.

Signed books available for purchase and light refreshments will be served.

RSVP: Edwin Tablada,