All Events

July 2024
Patricia J. Williams on The Miracle of the Black Leg at the Harvard Book Store
July 29, 2024,
Cambridge MA

Join the Harvard Book Store for a discussion about The Miracle of the Black Leg, a “whip-smart collection” (Publishers Weekly) . . .

August 2024
Raj Jayadev on Protect Your People at Books Inc. Pruneyard
August 6, 2024,
Campbell CA

Join Books Inc.

Melissa Jacoby on Unjust Debts at the Berkeley Judicial Institute
August 16, 2024,

Join the Berkeley Judicial Institute for a discussion about Unjust Debts and the hidden role of bankruptcy in perpetuating inequality in . . .

Patricia J. Williams on The Miracle of The Black Leg at the Islanders Write Festival
August 19, 2024,
Oak Bluffs MA

. . .

Patricia J. Williams on The Miracle of The Black Leg at the Featherstone Center for the Arts
August 25, 2024,
Oak Bluffs MA

September 2024
Arlie Russell Hochschild on Stolen Pride at Politics and Prose
September 9, 2024,
Washington DC

Join Politics and Prose for a discussion about Stolen Pride, the "pride paradox," and the rise of the right with author Arlie Russell . . .

Arlie Russell Hochschild on Stolen Pride at Carmichael’s Bookstore
September 12, 2024,
Louisville KY

Join Charmichael's Bookstore for a discussion about Stolen Pride, the "pride paradox," and the rise of the right with author Arlie . . .