Thomas O. McGarity

Thomas O. McGarity is the William Powers Jr. and Kim L. Heilbrun Chair in Tort Law at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law and the past president of the Center for Progressive Reform. He is the author of Pollution, Politics, and Power; Freedom to Harm; The Preemption War; and Demolition Agenda: The Dismantling of American Government . . . and How We Can Stop It (The New Press), among other books. He lives in Austin, Texas.

News and Reviews

The Nation

Read an excerpt adapted from Thomas McGarity's Demolition Agenda in The Nation about the return of two of the Trump era's biggest grifters to the public arena.

Center for Progressive Reform

Watch a discussion of Demolition Agenda with author Thomas McGarity at the Center for Progressive Reform.


Read a review of Demolition Agenda in Forbes.

Books by Thomas O. McGarity

The Dismantling of American Government . . . and How We Can Stop It

Thomas O. McGarity