Stephen B. Bright

Stephen B. Bright currently teaches law at Yale and Georgetown Universities. He was the longtime director of the Southern Center for Human Rights and has won multiple capital cases in the Supreme Court. A recipient of the American Bar Association’s Thurgood Marshall Award, Bright has been the subject of two books, Proximity to Death (William S. McFeely) and Finding Life on Death Row (Katya Lexin), and a film, Fighting for Life in the Death Belt (Adam Elend and Jeff Marks). The co-author, with James Kwak, of The Fear of Too Much Justice (The New Press), he lives in Lexington, Kentucky.

Author topics:

News and Reviews

The Guardian

Read a profile of The Fear of Too Much Justice co-author Stephen Bright, “one of America’s great justice warriors,” in The Guardian.

Book Web Site

To learn more about The Fear of Too Much Justice and authors Stephen Bright and James Kwak, visit the book’s web site


Watch an interview with The Fear of Too Much Justice co-author Stephen Bright on CNN This Morning.

Publishers Weekly

Read a review of The Fear of Too Much Justice in Publishers Weekly.

Books by Stephen B. Bright

The Fear of Too Much Justice
Race, Poverty, and the Persistence of Inequality in the Criminal Courts

Stephen B. Bright, James Kwak