Ian Haney López

Ian Haney López is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he teaches in the areas of race and constitutional law. Haney López is the author of Merge Left: Fusing Race and Class, Winning Elections, and Saving America (The New Press) and Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class, plus two other books and two anthologies. He co-founded the Race-Class Narrative Project, and also co-chaired the AFL-CIO’s Advisory Council on Racial and Economic Justice. He holds an endowed chair as the Earl Warren Professor of Public Law at UC Berkeley and lives in Richmond, California.

Author topics:

News and Reviews

The Baffler

“A nuanced and sophisticated look at how racism works in American politics.”

Books by Ian Haney López

Merge Left
Fusing Race and Class, Winning Elections, and Saving America

Ian Haney López